CARR LECTURE Technical Seminar: Jochen Mannhart, Max Planck Institute, Germany

QMC Condensed Matter Colloquium
01.29.2024 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
1201 John S. Toll Physics Building


Jochen Mannhart

Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research

Stuttgart, Germany

Advanced Epitaxial Growth of Quantum Materials Using Thermal Laser Epitaxy

We have developed a thin-film deposition technique suited for the growth of an extremely wide range of quantum materials with atomic precision (e.g., [1–4]).  This technique, called thermal laser epitaxy, utilizes laser-induced thermal evaporation of ultrapure sources, enabled by unlimited evaporation temperatures. Furthermore, a CO2-laser-based substrate heating system provides virtually restricted growth temperatures in almost any background gas. As a result, thermal laser epitaxy exceeds the capabilities of molecular beam epitaxy and pulsed laser deposition in key aspects, for example, by enabling adsorption-controlled growth of quantum materials with unprecedented purity. In this seminar, I will discuss the state of the art of the growth of quantum materials using thermal laser epitaxy and the opportunities this advanced technique offers for the epitaxial growth of complex films and heterostructures.


[1] W. Braun and J. Mannhart, AIP Adv. 9,085310 (2019)
[2] W. Braun et al., APL Mater. 8,071112 (2020)
[3] T. J. Smart, J. Mannhart and W. Braun, J. Laser Appl. 33,022008 (2021)
[4] D. Y. Kim, J. Mannhart and W. Braun, APL Mater.9, 081105(2021)

Refreshments at 3:30 pm - 1117 Toll Physics Bldg.