Title: Creating Hybrid Quantum Technologies with Integrated Diamond Membranes
Abstract: In this Colloquium, I will introduce how we create diamond membranes with unprecedented quality and integrate them into hybrid quantum and electronic technologies. Diamond has exceptional material properties as a host for qubits yet presents myriad challenges for integration and scalable manufacturing. The continued evolution of quantum and electronic technologies in diamonds requires heterogeneous material platforms for sophisticated functionalities, device integration, packaging, and improved performance. At UChicago and Argonne National Laboratory, we are creating pristine single-crystal diamond membranes that host coherent color center qubits and integrating them with a wide range of materials including silicon, fused silica, sapphire, thermal oxide, lithium niobate, tantalum, and YIG. The membrane uniformity and robustness to fabrication allow us to create state-of-the-art technologies -such as integrated photonics with record performance, multi-functional quantum sensing platforms, and quantum networking interfaces that operate at 4 Kelvin instead of resource-intensive dilution fridge temperatures. I will also demonstrate how diamond color centers can operate as high-performance optical antennas to manipulate and study their proximal environment.