QMC Colloquium: Joseph Falson, Caltech

QMC Condensed Matter Colloquium
04.03.2025 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
1410 John S. Toll Bldg


Title: Magnetic field induced superconductivity in two-dimensional crystals


Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss the physics of how manipulating magnetic fluctuations can give rise to field-induced superconductivity in crystalline two-dimensional quantum matter. We have explored this effect in high-quality thin films grown via molecular beam epitaxy, most extensively in the quasi-two-dimensional compound LaSb2. The field-induced phase emerges in ultra-thin compounds when orbital repairing effects are mitigated and where tuning the polarization of fluctuations can dynamically be performed using low temperatures and in-plane magnetic fields. I will provide an overview of the material parameter space and discuss future research directions using sample design approaches.

Host: Sardashti

Refreshments at 1:30 pm -  1117 John S. Toll Bldg