Recent nano-optics experiments with materials & heterostructures
I will present our recent work on nano-spectroscopy and nano-imaging of van der Waals (vdW) materials and interfaces. I am particularly excited with several recent results: 1) vdW waveguide quantum electrodynamics: we observed notable Purcell enhancement of the spontaneous emission produced by MoTe2 monolayers integrated in WSe2waveguides /Sam Moore et al. in the 2-nd revision/; 2) plasmonic space-time metrology as a probe of topology and interactions in bilayer graphene (Suheng Xu et al. unpublished, S. Xu et al. Science Advances 10,eado5553 2024); and 3) anisotropic response of a magnetic semiconductorCrSBr (Dan Rizzo et al. Nature Communications 2025, Yinming Shao et al. Nature Materials 2025).
Host: Paglione
Refreshments at 3:30 pm - 1117 John S. Toll Bldg