Manucharyan Receives NSF-Career Award

Assistant Professor Vladimir Manucharyan has received a prestigious five-year National Science Foundation CAREER Award for his proposal entitled “Realizing the ultrastrong coupling regime of quantum electrodynamics using high-impedance Josephson superconducting circuits”.  Prof. Manucharyan is also among the four University of Maryland faculty members that have been awarded 2015 Sloan Research Fellowships. This award, granted by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, identifies 126 early-career scientists based on their potential to contribute fundamentally significant research to a wider academic community. 

JQI Fellow and Assistant Professor of physics Vladimir Manucharyan has received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award. His proposal, entitled “Realizing the ultrastrong coupling regime of quantum electrodynamics using high-impedance Josephson superconducting circuits,” will receive five years of funding. NSF funds research in science and engineering through grants, contracts and cooperative agreements.

For more information on NSF Awards visit:

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JQI Fellow and Assistant Professor of physics Vladimir Manucharyan has received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award. His proposal, entitled “Realizing the ultrastrong coupling regime of quantum electrodynamics using high-impedance Josephson superconducting circuits,” will receive five years of funding. NSF funds research in science and engineering through grants, contracts and cooperative agreements.

For more information on NSF Awards visit:

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JQI Fellow and Assistant Professor of physics Vladimir Manucharyan has received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award. His proposal, entitled “Realizing the ultrastrong coupling regime of quantum electrodynamics using high-impedance Josephson superconducting circuits,” will receive five years of funding. NSF funds research in science and engineering through grants, contracts and cooperative agreements.

For more information on NSF Awards visit:

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APS PhD Dissertation Award in Condensed Matter Physics

The American Physical Society has initiated a new PhD dissertation award to honor the best thesis in experimental condensed matter physics. Called the Richard L. Greene award in Experimental Condensed Matter or Materials Physics, it was initiated by Richard Greene, Emeritus Director of CNAM (formerly Center for Superconductivity Research).

The prize will be awarded every year, with 2015 being the inaugural year. See the APS Physics link for details.
