Quantum Diversity Initiative a Grand Success

Kasra Sardashti Brings Summer Program to UMD to Promote Diversity in Quantum Research. The facilities and researchers at the LPS Qubit Collaboratory and Quantum Materials Center (QMC) created a new home for the program, and this summer they introduced 15 students to quantum research. (read more)

The Green Future of Telecom

Researchers in QMC, in collaboration with researchers from Brookhaven National Lab, Max Plank Institute, and JQI, demonstrated a strong nonlinear optical response in atomically thin semiconducting WSe₂. They showed that a small number of photons was enough to change the material's optical absorption. The nonlinearity features a pronounced asymmetry between electron and hole doping, highlighting the importance of exciton-free charge interactions. This nonlinear response and mechanism open new avenues for applications in classical and quantum optoelectronics. (read more)

Gold in the water

Congratulations to Yash Anand for winning a 2024 Goldwater Scholarship! Yash is an undergraduate student in the Gemstone program in the Honors College and is actively involved in quantum materials research at QMC. Yash joins a successful lineup of QMC undergraduates who have been awarded the Goldwater Scholarship -- congrats!  (read more) .

2024 Carr Lecture by Jochen Mannart

This year's W. J. Carr Lecture Series on Superconductivity and Advanced Materials will be presented by Prof. Jochen Mannhart from the Max Planck Institute of Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany. Prof Mannhart's research interests are focused on the properties of interfaces in complex electronic materials, and have included work on the discovery and development of bicrystal Josephson junctions and SQUIDs, the enhancement of critical currents of high-Tc superconductors by grain alignment, which is the basis for the modern high-Tc superconducting cables, the first imaging of individual atoms with subatomic resolution, and the fabrication of the first all-oxide FETs. Mannhart has received numerous awards for his research, including the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis of the German Science Foundation and the Europhysics Prize in 2014.  A Technical Seminar will be given on Monday, January 29 at 4pm in Toll 1201 (more info here), followed by a special Department Colloquium on Tuesday, January 30 at 4pm in 1410 Toll (more info here).
